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Beanie Baby Cover 1 - SOLD

Beanie Baby Cover 1 - SOLD

1998 The “Unofficial” Beanie Baby Coloring Book Series with original drawings by Anthony Coffey

West Highland Publishing Co., Inc. P.O. Box 36, Midland Park, NJ 07432

In private collection

Anthony J. Coffey is an accomplished professional artist based in New York City. Born in 1967 in Boone, North Carolina, Coffey has cultivated a distinguished career in the visual arts that spans decades and transcends borders.

A seasoned academic, Coffey holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Art Institute of Boston, a Bachelor of Science from Appalachian State University, and has completed an Art Foundation Program from the Cardiff School of Art, in Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom. These diverse educational experiences have undoubtedly contributed to the richness and depth of his artistic vision.

Today, Coffey's artwork is represented by several prestigious entities, including Green Tara Group, LLC, Art Upclose, Ward-Nasse, among other notable galleries. His distinctive pieces, which embody both his talent and dedication, have found their way into various renowned spaces and continue to captivate the global art community.


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